Redcare Pharmacy

Pioneering Product Impact Footprinting in Consumer Health & Beauty with Redcare Pharmacy

Redcare Pharmacy
Europe’s Leading Online Pharmacy
10.5M Active Customers
Vaayu provides data insights along the entire life cycle for thousands of products sold via our platform, empowering us to be faster while fully data-driven in executing our ambitious net zero 2040 strategy. We look forward to what comes next within this collaboration, merging tech and climate science to lead the way forward for the Pharmacy sector with our own-brand products.
Anna Tönneßen, Director, Sustainable Development at Redcare Pharmacy

Launching Redcare Pharmacy’s Climate Impact Reduction with Product Carbon Footprinting

Due to such variety in the products produced, in the Consumer Health & Beauty sectors, the impact of various life cycle stages can vary greatly. At the same time, consumers are demanding greater transparency with the products they’re buying, with 41% of consumers feeling guilty about the environmental impact of beauty and grooming products alone (British Beauty Council).

Redcare Pharmacy, previously Shop Apotheke Europe, partnered with Vaayu in 2023 to bring accurate product impact accounting to the Health and Beauty industry.


Product Impact and its Calculation Varies Significantly in the Consumer Health & Beauty Sectors

The measurement of environmental impacts in the Health and Beauty sectors is often less precise and less frequent compared to other retail verticals. This is mainly due to the significant variation in impacts among different products within these sectors. Product manufacturing, for example, can account for merely 1% of the product carbon footprint of a cream, whereas for some health foods, it can make up almost 50% (proprietary data by Vaayu). 

Redcare Pharmacy wanted to tackle this problem head-on, so they partnered with Vaayu to become one of the first leaders in the industry to bring accurate, scalable footprinting and more transparency to their products.


Building a Dedicated Health & Beauty LCA Database to Calculate Emissions

Vaayu provided granular product carbon footprint data in the new Consumer Health & Beauty verticals by expanding its technology and database to calculate climate impact. By harnessing the power of our in-house LCA expertise, combined with proprietary AI and machine learning (ML) technology, Vaayu was able to compute the impact of selected Redcare Pharmacy’s own-brands such as Nu3, Beavita, Skintist and Redcare. In the scope of work, Vaayu calculated the impact of 1,050 products, from 194 suppliers, across 15 categories.

Redcare Pharmacy’s product carbon emissions were calculated using Vaayu’s proprietary impact database of more than 600,000 data points and automated, machine-learning impact modeling engine, Kria. The team performed a full Cradle-to-Grave analysis for all the products, including product use and end-of-life, which can be responsible for a significant portion of the emissions. Vaayu also leveraged Kria's AI and ML to perform accurate data mapping and fill in data gaps with context-specific data points. 

A thorough uncertainty analysis was also performed at each step of the calculation to provide a Vaayu Accuracy Score, ensuring transparency and making space for action, for example, on how the accuracy and assessment can be further improved with better data.


The First Comprehensive Product Emissions Calculated in the Health & Beauty Retail Verticals

Vaayu provided accurate insights for selected Redcare Pharmacy products in 2023, across everything from tablets and creams to health foods. Vaayu’s data is being used by the company to help make more informed commercial decisions with the climate in mind — further engaging its suppliers on its mission toward Scope 3 reductions and Net Zero as part of its decarbonization journey.

With Redcare Pharmacy’s goal to demystify the varying impact of their products, this data was a crucial first step for them to understand these nuances and make improvements in the future.

SKU-Level Footprints

Covering the full product life cycle and supply chain and providing Vaayu’s insightful Accuracy Scores

Product Categories Assessed

Identified emissions hotspots across product categories and forms, enabling the engagement of 194 suppliers as part of Scope 3 emissions reductions

Scope 3
Upstream & Downstream Hotspots

Insight into Redcare Pharmacy’s Upstream and Downstream Scope 3 activities emissions hotspots for more effective portfolio management

Vaayu is proud to help shed light on these complex nuances within Consumer Health & Beauty — sectors where sustainability and supply chain transparency are becoming non-negotiable. Our mission remains clear: partnering with forward-thinking brands to lower the retail industry’s environmental impact at scale.

“It never ceases to amaze me what ambition and conversation can lead to. Our partnership with Redcare Pharmacy has opened up the opportunity to lead calculations in the Consumer Health & Beauty sectors! The results are helping Redcare Pharmacy make data-driven decisions with sustainability in mind, and Vaayu is proud to be supporting both businesses and consumers in their impact-reducing choices.”
Namrata Sandhu, Co-Founder and CEO, Vaayu

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